Perfecting Cow Comfort
Products to keep cows comfortable and farms productive
Our Range of Industry Leading Products
Creating Industry Leading Products You Can Trust
Through timelapse and slow motion videos, pressure sensitive pads and further methods we carry out detailed research to see how to keep cows happy and increase production on the farm.
This leads us to create industry leading products that help farmers get the best out of their cows.
And we ship these products all over the world.
We are Wilson Agri: cow mattresses, cow cubicles and dairy equipment.
Introducing BedMaid
Wilson Agri have revolutionised the cow stall cleaning process, with a fully electric, self-loading machine, reducing dust and noise pollution as well as saving you time and money.
Happy Customers
We understand that happy cows make happy farmers. We thoroughly test our products against other alternatives and use timelapse photography to see cow preferences.

Questions? Get in touch and we will be happy to help!
T: +44 (0) 2870 868430
F: +44 (0) 2870 868803