Pasture Mat & Premium Pad

Pasture Mat was the first mattress system, created to mimic the characteristics of natural pasture, in order to increase resting times improving cow health.

Pasture Mat

Pasture Mat has been in use on dairy farms throughout Europe and the USA since 1994, the product has been continually improved and refined over this time to give the very best in terms of cow comfort.

  • Increased resting times
  • Long product life (17 yrs in many cases)
  • Easy to install and upgrade

Premium Pad

Premium Pad can be fitted to new or existing mattresses, it is the perfect compliment to the Pasture Mat system.

  • Additional cushion layer between the mattress and top-cover.
  • Less pressure on joints and hocks when resting. 
  • Increases comfort
  • Reducing hock abrasions
  • 5 year warranty 
  • Maintains full warranty on Pasture Mat cover using certified Premium Pad foam.

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