Top Genetics – High Welfare

Rockset Holsteins in Cornwall, are well known for their high genetic potential cows, and have a strong reputation in the industry.  They have a herd average over over 10,000l, at 4.22% Fat, 3.17% protein.
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In 2013, Wilson Agriculture were proud to work on the designs for a high welfare dairy cow building.  Considering the breeding of these cows, the cubicles have to be designed to maximise comfort and space.  A full assessment of the size of cows now, and future potential was made, and the cubicles have been installed reflecting this.
This has meant 10ft beds on the single row, and 17ft 6inch on the double row.  The Cowcoon cubicles are all at 4ft centers.  The back passage is 12ft6inches and the feed passage is 17ft.
Hugo - Rockset Holsteins
At the feed barrier we have installed 6ft ZigZag rubber to maximise comfort while feeding, and optimise DM intake.   We have also installed a tailor made lighting system using our AgriLux lights.  This is achieving 16 hours a day of 200lux, and 8 hours a day of less than 50 lux.  To read more about the reasons and the research behind this, please visit out research & information pages.
The building is working extremely well, and the cows have settled into the new system.  For more information contact Wilson Agriculture or visit Rockset Holsteins.
Hugo - comfy cow

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